My Story/Credentials

MY STORY – How I Became A Gardener

MY STORY – How I Became A Gardener

About Nina

Welcome to my website! Whenever I show people the gardens I have created many respond, “Oh I don’t have a green thumb like you”. So many people underestimate their abilities and do not even realize the talent that is hidden within themselves.

My first experience with gardening was as a little girl helping my mom in our large yard. My mom was always “putzing around” with soil, bulbs, cuttings, shrubbery, flowers… name it. I was her little helper and apprentice.

All that observing paid off. When my family and I moved into our first home, the backyard was a blank slate of grass.

And a six foot stockade fence. I started small by clearing a six by 10 foot area, amended the soil and randomly started planting bulbs and flowers. My first attempt was just alright, but since then I’ve learned so much more.

After a few more moves and many more gardens, I have finally begun to master the art of gardening. I say begun because I am always learning and I enjoy trying new combinations that turn the ordinary into something extraordinary.



Studies have shown that nature calms the soul. In this day and age with so much turmoil and unrest, I feel people need to reconnect with nature and get their hands dirty. You can get lost for hours just dead-heading (a term used for clipping off spent buds), weeding, planting and then reaping the benefits of your efforts by sipping a cold glass of ice tea or wine in your beautifully attended to garden.


It has a very calming effect on the psyche. When I get stressed or anxious, I now retreat to my tiny backyard and get so engrossed in the wonder of nature. Before I know it, I’m in a much happier frame of mind.

I want to share this soothing and tranquil experience with as many people as possible. It not only lowers your stress level but brings a wonderful feeling of accomplishment!


The goal of my site is to help people develop to the fullest their potential as gardeners and then some. I begin small with decorative pots, explaining the basics of how to arrange plants and describing which plants thrive in particular areas. From there I dive into creating flower beds and then plotting and planning small areas.

The sky is the limit when it comes to gardening. I’ll prove to you that you do not need a green thumb in order to create beauty. You just need some guidance, perseverance, and forgiveness in case it does not work the way you had initially planned. The best attribute in gardening is what I like to call “stick-to-i-tive-ness”! It means to never give up. There was a Mickey Mouse book on this that I used to read to my children when they were little tykes, and I think it hit a chord with them because they do persevere.

So let’s begin on a fun journey together! I look forward to helping you create lovely oases in which to rest and “smell the roses.”

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, please feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you. Also, if you ever have anything you would like to share regarding gardening, I would love to hear it.

Happy Gardening!


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